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Assis garceZ |
Varal é uma revista de variedades onde o comum é a presença da cultura e meio-ambiente.
quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011
biomas do Brasil / biomes of Brazil
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Fabacea |
Encontrada no bioma Cerrado nas Matas de galerias, importante ecossistema responsável pela proteção dos córregos e rios e com durabilidade de aproximadamente uma semana, essa raríssima flor - Fabacea, tem sua floração no mês de Outubro, período com maior intensidade das chuvas.
Rare flower found in the Cerrado in Brazil Forest galleries, important ecosystem for protection of streams and rivers. With durability of about one week, the Fabacea has its flowering in October, a period of more intense rainfall.
photo and research / foto e pesquisa: Assis garceZ
terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011
nOta - Dança / nOtes - Dance
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divulgação |
No centro da roda a dança em giros que transbordam a espiritualidade corporal sob o ritmo mandante dos tambores; enfim o grito que ecoa corpo adentro como um canto de liberdade, rodopios em suas saias rodadas em uma coreografia livre onde as coreiras – dançarinas do Tambor de Crioula – tem na expressão única de cada parte do corpo: cabeça; ombros; quadris; um verdadeiro transe somente interrompido pelo punga, que consiste na umbigada quando a dançarina encontra a outra com um baque de barriga com barriga transferindo o momento de reinado na roda para outra. Tambor de Crioula, Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial Brasileiro, dança de origem africana muito praticada no estado brasileiro do Maranhão está de luto, ontem, dia 24 de Outubro, faleceu Dona Mundica, célebre coreira, do Tambor do Mestre Felipe, seu esposo, também falecido e expoente máximo do Tambor de Crioula do Maranhão.
Creole Drum of Maranhao is in mourning
In the center of the wheel spins on the dance overflowing spirituality principal body in the rhythm of the drums, and finally the cry that echoed inside the body as a song of freedom, in their skirts swirling in a free choreography where the dancers have the unique expression of each part of the body: head, shoulders, hips, a true trance only interrupted by "Pung," which is when the dancer is another, belly to belly transferring the time to reign in the wheel to another. Creole Drum, Intangible Cultural Heritage Brazilian dance of African origin widely practiced in the Brazilian state of Maranhao is in mourning yesterday, October 24, died Doña Mundica, renowned dancer, Drum Master Felipe, her husband, too late, epitome of Drum Creole of Maranhão.
by/por: Assis garceZ
quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011
quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011
nOta - Ocupa Sampa / nOtes - Occupies Sampa
Com força, pra ganhar.
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Assis garceZ |
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Assis garceZ |
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Assis garceZ |
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Assis garceZ |
“Pare e reflita, crie e continue a arte de mudar,
mude a sua rua, mude o seu emprego, mude o seu estado
Está na hora de mudar!”
by/por: Assis garceZ
With strength to win!
Occupies Sampa, nonpartisan movement, autonomous and self-management, which has in the struggle for democracy (it exists?) Participatory, its origin exist or re-exist. Camped under the Viaduct Valley Tea Anhangabaú, downtown Sao Paulo and neighboring Mayor Kassab, the movement very organized and accessible, expresses his dissatisfaction, which is what really matters. Enough! something must be done, be told, changed - change! The causes of anger are many, all extremely important, whether they will be met, it may be, but most importantly it's done - Movement. Stand and delayed no longer meets, thankfully - better late than never. The problems that some offenders brought to camp and soon solved the safety commission, is just the same indignation - but more brutal - the same camped around the world, the difference is these criminals make use of the oldest social networks - the gutters , the sewers, the scum. Each fight with the weapons you have, how can each one attacks, the fight is worth, is to act or react. With donations of supplies and accessories such as blankets, being made by social networks, the move adds a better position to stand firm and strong, yet money is not accepted, with the participation of all local and discard disposable cups, organic waste, the Cleaning is a constant on-site. But if depend on what was said by the Communication Commission, to gather 2 million angry people as a condition of withdrawal of Occupies Sampa the center of a large city called São Paulo/ Brasil, the camp may not be too long because: Strong and Great is Occupies Sampa, then this energy will come to those 2 million for the wonderful job dissatisfaction, including the important participation of the brigade and numerical offenders. Like me, like you!
"Stop and think, create and continue the art of change,
Change your street, change your job, change your status
It's time to change! "
With strength to win!
Occupies Sampa, nonpartisan movement, autonomous and self-management, which has in the struggle for democracy (it exists?) Participatory, its origin exist or re-exist. Camped under the Viaduct Valley Tea Anhangabaú, downtown Sao Paulo and neighboring Mayor Kassab, the movement very organized and accessible, expresses his dissatisfaction, which is what really matters. Enough! something must be done, be told, changed - change! The causes of anger are many, all extremely important, whether they will be met, it may be, but most importantly it's done - Movement. Stand and delayed no longer meets, thankfully - better late than never. The problems that some offenders brought to camp and soon solved the safety commission, is just the same indignation - but more brutal - the same camped around the world, the difference is these criminals make use of the oldest social networks - the gutters , the sewers, the scum. Each fight with the weapons you have, how can each one attacks, the fight is worth, is to act or react. With donations of supplies and accessories such as blankets, being made by social networks, the move adds a better position to stand firm and strong, yet money is not accepted, with the participation of all local and discard disposable cups, organic waste, the Cleaning is a constant on-site. But if depend on what was said by the Communication Commission, to gather 2 million angry people as a condition of withdrawal of Occupies Sampa the center of a large city called São Paulo/ Brasil, the camp may not be too long because: Strong and Great is Occupies Sampa, then this energy will come to those 2 million for the wonderful job dissatisfaction, including the important participation of the brigade and numerical offenders. Like me, like you!
"Stop and think, create and continue the art of change,
Change your street, change your job, change your status
It's time to change! "
terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011
esCrita - Siamesas
Sentimentos compartilhados na ausência da presença - sensações, desejos, aspirações, tudo compartilhado. E, a matéria onírica, será que também faz parte do vasto cardápio da individuação coletiva constante. Siamesas, como árvores unidas pelas raízes compartilhando a mesma seiva, como folhas murchas sobrepostas no chão da virtualização; quem vai ser devorado, o ser? O ser o quê? Uma vida nua sem molduras, sem dormir ou acordar, enfim o imagético livre e materializado, não ocupando um lugar e sim fazendo parte desse lugar que já não é o mesmo e nunca será; não um lugar – O lugar. Aqui, acolá, presente, agora não mais esquecido, eternamente transformado, transformando a imagem que se apodera e a cada um se renova, se espalha, se entranha na imensidão do sonhar, do todo atemporal, do nada impossível, a não ser – ser um só. Não passamos de siamesas capilares em uma eterna instauração, compartilhando a sensação de narcose como seiva; como árvores unidas pela raiz.
sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011
segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2011
para VER! / to SEE!
Ela, pedra inerte
Ele, movimento
Ela em fragmentos de
Ela inerte e inteira
Ela viva em frenéticas
Ela, vida em inerte
Intérprete-criadora - Michelle Pereira
Fotografia - Leonardo Rizzaro
Texto - Assis garceZ
Inverno 2011 - Santa Catarina - Brasil
quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011
terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011
esCrita - Marina
Olhar olhar
sem o mundo parar
Nós, nós
Sem parar de cantar.Marina (Marininha), 6 anos
Postagens (Atom)